Nicaforest Reforestation Program
About the project
The Nicaforest Program is a pioneering initiative that aims to conserve the remaining patches of native vegetation and create additional conservation areas on the banks of rivers and other watersheds. It also works closely with local landowners to create a sustainable value-chain through a Shared Benefit Scheme. By planting teak and other valuable species for future timber production and added-value wood production, the program aims to not only increase resilience in the local municipalities but also provide a natural habitat for native animals and plants, protect and enrich the soil, save and filter water and contribute to the mitigation of the greenhouse effect.
Main Environmental Benefits:
Reduced deforestation and degradation.
Co2 sequestration (45.624 tCO2e sequestered as of the end of 2018, 32.460 tCO2e estimated future sequestering).
Natural Forests and Bio-diversity protected (approximately 25-30% of the farms are conservation areas).
Main Social Benefits:
Creating jobs - more than 200 jobs during planting periods and approximately 30 permanent jobs for forest management.
Additional income source for farmers, through Shared Benefit Agreement and access to international timber and carbon market.
Gold Standard and Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC)
Chontales, Nicaragua